Earthquake Data Preparation & Analysis
- Project Purpose
- Final Output
- GitHub Repository Link
- Data Source
- Dataset Information
- 1. Initial Data Exploration
- 2. Collect, Explore and Transform data using R script
- 3. Data Exploration
- 4. Create Reporting Dashboards using Tableau
Project Purpose
The purpose of this project is to collect, explore, and transform data using R programming language, to make it ready for creating reporting dashboards in Tableau.
Final Output
A CSV file with 1,056,144 records and 9 columns of earthquakes data from January 2013 to April 2023 with magnitude 1 and above.
GitHub Repository Link
The source code for this project can be found at my GitHub Repository
Data Source
The earthquake data for this project is collected from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program website. There are multiple ways to collect data from their website. They have search catalog, web service API, and wrapper libraries for a few programming languages. The search result limit is 20,000 records. For this project, I want to collect the data from January 2013 to April 2023, so using either web service API or wrapper library would be a suitable choice.
I am going to use the Web Service API, and use count
and query
methods to check records count and to download earthquake data.
If anyone is interested, below are the alternative ways to collect data.
- The data can manually be searched and downloaded by using the Search Earthquake Catalog webpage.
- They also have ComCat Wrapper Libraries and Demonstration Code for Python, R, and Matlab.
Dataset Information
The USGS monitors and reports on earthquakes, assesses earthquake impacts and hazards, and conducts targeted research on the causes and effects of earthquakes.
The variables and their data types, typical values and descriptions are documented at
ANSS Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog (ComCat) Documentation. The full comprehensive documentation can be found here.
1. Initial Data Exploration
To understand the data better before writing the script, we will start by exploring the data using the R console.
1.1 Check the total records to be downloaded
Since the purpose is to download the data from 2013 to 2023, it’s better to check how many records in total that would be. We use the count
method of web service API to get that number. First, we need to load the package httr
to use HTTP verbs. Then, we use GET()
function to get response of a given URL and content()
function to get the number. In the URL, starttime
, endtime
and minmagnitued
are user-defined parameters. starttime
is set as 2013-01-0100:00:00, endtime
is set as 2023-05-1623:59:59 and minmagnitued
is set as 1. The starttime
and endtime
use yyyy-mm-ddhh:mm:ss
The returned value – 1,059,129, is the total number of records to be downloaded. The download limit is 20,000 records per file, so we will need to separate the data to download into multiple files.
[1] "1059129"
To get the idea of how many records a month could have, we pick a random month, January 2019, and call the API.
The returned value – 7,963, is the total number of records to be downloaded for January 2019. In this case, the records count is within the 20,000 result limit. So, we will most likely be able to download the files per month.
[1] "7963"
1.2 Download sample data
After checking the records count, we should start checking the data to get the idea of what kind of data we are dealing with. For this, we can download a small portion of data and explore it. To download the data in a CSV file format, we use download.file()
function. The URL of the query
method of web service API along with starttime
, endtime
and minmagnitued
parameters, destination file name and extension, and the download method are given as arguments.
download.file("", destfile = "sample_data.csv", method = "curl")
The data is downloaded in the CSV file format. The download information is displayed in the console.
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 1393k 0 1393k 0 0 694k 0 --:--:-- 0:00:02 --:--:-- 695k
1.3 Explore sample data
Now that we have downloaded the file, we can start reading the data. To do that, we use read_csv()
function of readr
package and give the file name as an argument.
sample_data <- read_csv("sample_data.csv")
The sample_data
data frame is created with the table format. The numbers of rows (observations) and columns (variables) created is displayed. In this case, 7,963 rows and 22 columns. Column specification is displayed as summary as well. Here, we can see the data type and the column names. There are 8 columns with character
data type, 12 columns with double
data type, and 2 columns with datetime
data type.
Rows: 7963 Columns: 22
── Column specification ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (8): magType, net, id, place, type, status, locationSource, magSource
dbl (12): latitude, longitude, depth, mag, nst, gap, dmin, rms, horizontalError, depthError, magError, magNst
dttm (2): time, updated
ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
To see the full specification with some data, I prefer to use str()
function. It compactly displays the internal structure of an R object. So, we can view most of the information neatly.
We can easily see that there are NA
values in some columns, the place
column has both the approximate location and country information, and that some columns such as locationSource
and magSource
will not be necessary for our reporting dashboard.
spc_tbl_ [7,963 × 22] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
$ time : POSIXct[1:7963], format: "2019-01-31 23:53:56" "2019-01-31 23:36:43" "2019-01-31 23:26:59" "2019-01-31 23:14:45" ...
$ latitude : num [1:7963] 59.5 61.4 58 61.5 18 ...
$ longitude : num [1:7963] -151.2 -150 -153.5 -150 -66.9 ...
$ depth : num [1:7963] 9.2 44 59.7 44.7 13 43.7 2.27 77 67.5 35 ...
$ mag : num [1:7963] 1.3 1.5 1.6 1 1.65 2.5 1.7 2.97 1.4 4.5 ...
$ magType : chr [1:7963] "ml" "ml" "ml" "ml" ...
$ nst : num [1:7963] NA NA NA NA 3 NA 13 3 NA NA ...
$ gap : num [1:7963] NA NA NA NA 253 NA 57 259 NA 159 ...
$ dmin : num [1:7963] NA NA NA NA 0.108 ...
$ rms : num [1:7963] 0.34 0.42 0.53 0.36 0.45 0.94 0.09 0.16 0.55 0.41 ...
$ net : chr [1:7963] "ak" "ak" "aacse" "ak" ...
$ id : chr [1:7963] "ak0191fno7bz" "ak0191fnkjco" "aacse0191fnifdr" "ak0191fnftsr" ...
$ updated : POSIXct[1:7963], format: "2019-02-15 22:29:46" "2019-02-15 22:29:45" "2021-05-21 15:46:36" "2019-02-15 22:29:45" ...
$ place : chr [1:7963] "10 km S of Halibut Cove, Alaska" "8 km SSW of Big Lake, Alaska" "37 km W of Aleneva, Alaska" "Southern Alaska" ...
$ type : chr [1:7963] "earthquake" "earthquake" "earthquake" "earthquake" ...
$ horizontalError: num [1:7963] NA NA NA NA 5.79 NA 0.39 8.21 NA 8.2 ...
$ depthError : num [1:7963] 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 7.37 ...
$ magError : num [1:7963] NA NA NA NA 0.08 NA 0.12 0.1 NA 0.163 ...
$ magNst : num [1:7963] NA NA NA NA 2 NA 4 3 NA 11 ...
$ status : chr [1:7963] "reviewed" "reviewed" "reviewed" "reviewed" ...
$ locationSource : chr [1:7963] "ak" "ak" "aacse" "ak" ...
$ magSource : chr [1:7963] "ak" "ak" "aacse" "ak" ...
- attr(*, "spec")=
.. cols(
.. time = col_datetime(format = ""),
.. latitude = col_double(),
.. longitude = col_double(),
.. depth = col_double(),
.. mag = col_double(),
.. magType = col_character(),
.. nst = col_double(),
.. gap = col_double(),
.. dmin = col_double(),
.. rms = col_double(),
.. net = col_character(),
.. id = col_character(),
.. updated = col_datetime(format = ""),
.. place = col_character(),
.. type = col_character(),
.. horizontalError = col_double(),
.. depthError = col_double(),
.. magError = col_double(),
.. magNst = col_double(),
.. status = col_character(),
.. locationSource = col_character(),
.. magSource = col_character()
.. )
- attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr>
After str()
, I use summary()
function to see the summary statistics. It helps to understand the numerical data better, as well as see the total number of NA
values in each column.
time latitude
Min. :2019-01-01 00:04:00.75 Min. :-64.94
1st Qu.:2019-01-08 14:16:24.94 1st Qu.: 33.23
Median :2019-01-15 21:04:25.75 Median : 46.87
Mean :2019-01-16 05:48:41.27 Mean : 41.92
3rd Qu.:2019-01-23 15:21:38.52 3rd Qu.: 61.41
Max. :2019-01-31 23:53:56.27 Max. : 85.85
longitude depth mag
Min. :-179.9 Min. : -3.480 Min. :1.000
1st Qu.:-150.2 1st Qu.: 6.995 1st Qu.:1.300
Median :-144.6 Median : 15.640 Median :1.700
Mean :-108.7 Mean : 38.999 Mean :2.149
3rd Qu.:-115.5 3rd Qu.: 43.900 3rd Qu.:2.570
Max. : 180.0 Max. :623.950 Max. :6.800
magType nst gap
Length:7963 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 11.0
Class :character 1st Qu.: 10.0 1st Qu.: 68.0
Mode :character Median : 18.0 Median :104.0
Mean : 23.5 Mean :123.7
3rd Qu.: 33.0 3rd Qu.:161.9
Max. :221.0 Max. :355.5
NA's :5134 NA's :3626
dmin rms net
Min. : 0.000 Min. :0.0000 Length:7963
1st Qu.: 0.047 1st Qu.:0.1900 Class :character
Median : 0.175 Median :0.4300 Mode :character
Mean : 1.153 Mean :0.4498
3rd Qu.: 1.268 3rd Qu.:0.6200
Max. :36.335 Max. :2.9400
NA's :3736
id updated
Length:7963 Min. :2019-01-01 01:35:02.50
Class :character 1st Qu.:2019-01-17 18:50:06.83
Mode :character Median :2019-01-29 21:12:18.36
Mean :2019-04-10 09:43:53.80
3rd Qu.:2019-04-02 20:52:06.03
Max. :2023-04-01 03:09:54.75
place type horizontalError
Length:7963 Length:7963 Min. : 0.090
Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 0.300
Mode :character Mode :character Median : 0.980
Mean : 3.619
3rd Qu.: 6.600
Max. :31.200
NA's :3907
depthError magError magNst
Min. : 0.000 Min. :0.000 Min. : 0.00
1st Qu.: 0.300 1st Qu.:0.100 1st Qu.: 6.00
Median : 0.600 Median :0.150 Median : 14.00
Mean : 2.701 Mean :0.180 Mean : 22.39
3rd Qu.: 1.920 3rd Qu.:0.215 3rd Qu.: 25.00
Max. :132.200 Max. :5.410 Max. :582.00
NA's :3765 NA's :3722
status locationSource magSource
Length:7963 Length:7963 Length:7963
Class :character Class :character Class :character
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
Another way to view only the NA
values count is to use
function together with colSums()
time latitude longitude depth
0 0 0 0
mag magType nst gap
0 0 5134 3626
dmin rms net id
3736 0 0 0
updated place type horizontalError
0 0 0 3907
depthError magError magNst status
0 3765 3722 0
locationSource magSource
0 0
Now that we have got a good overview of our data, we should also check if there are any duplicated rows. We use duplicated()
function for this purpose.
Since we have a tibble
with 0 rows (observations), it means that we don’t have any duplicated rows. Now that we have a good understanding of our data structure, we can start with writing a script.
# A tibble: 0 × 22
# … with 22 variables: time <dttm>, latitude <dbl>, longitude <dbl>, depth <dbl>, mag <dbl>, magType <chr>, nst <dbl>, gap <dbl>, dmin <dbl>, rms <dbl>, net <chr>,
# id <chr>, updated <dttm>, place <chr>, type <chr>, horizontalError <dbl>, depthError <dbl>, magError <dbl>, magNst <dbl>, status <chr>, locationSource <chr>,
# magSource <chr>
# ℹ Use `colnames()` to see all variable names
2. Collect, Explore and Transform data using R script
In this part of the project, R script is created to:
- access web service API and query the data,
- download the result files,
- merge the downloaded files,
- explore and clean the merged data to make it ready for the reporting dashboard, and
- create a CSV file with the final tidy data.
, lubridate
, readr
, dplyr
, tidyr
, and stringr
packages are used to collect and manipulate data. The GET()
function of httr
package is used to access the web service API to get a response from the count
function to query the total number of results. readr
package is used to read csv file into a data frame. lubridate
package is used to turn data into date data type and to manipulate dates. dplyr
, tidyr
, and stringr
packages are used to manipulate and tidy data.
First, import necessary packages to use their functions.
Set the working directory as the source file directory. So that when the files are downloaded, they will be downloaded to the same directory as the R script file. If you use RStudio to run this code, you will get an error message. In that case, you can comment out this code.
The files are to be downloaded to a folder named ‘EQData’. The file_path
variable is declared in a global environment so that it can be used from anywhere. If there is a need to change the download folder name, it can be edited here.
file_path <- "./EQData"
After the file_path
is declared, we check if the folder ‘EQData’ already existed or not by using dir.exists()
function and giving file_path
as an argument. Here, we only need to create a new folder if it does not exist. So, !
keyword is used to check if the folder does not exist. If it does not, we create a new folder by using dir.create()
function and giving file_path
as an argument.
# Check if the folder exists, if not, create one.
if (!dir.exists(file_path)) {
To query the data using the web service API, we need to pass start date
and end date
parameters. We need to make sure that the data passed are in date data type, and that the end date is not earlier than the start date. The ValidateDates()
function validates the dates and stops the script if a validation failed. The first validation used is.Date()
function from lubridate
package, together with !
keyword, to check if either of the startDate
and endDate
arguments are not in date
data type. If either one are not in date
data type, we need the script to stop running and show an error message. To achieve that, we use stop()
function execution with an appropriate error message. For the second validation, we just need to check if the endDate
is earlier than the startDate
. Then, use stop()
function again with an appropriate error message. This function can be called whenever we need to validate the start date and the end date.
ValidateDates <- function(startDate, endDate) {
# Validates the start and end date range arguments and shows stop message if
# one of the validations failed.
# Validation 1: Check if the given arguments are not valid dates.
# Validation 2: Check if the End Date is earlier than the Start Date.
# Args:
# startDate (Date): Start Date parameter of the query.
# endDate (Date): End Date parameter of the query.
# Returns:
# No return value.
# Check if the given arguments are not valid dates.
if (!is.Date(startDate) | !is.Date(endDate)) {
stop("Please give valid date parameters using as.Date or as_date
# Check if the End Date is earlier than the Start Date.
else if (endDate < startDate) {
stop("End Date must be later than the Start Date.")
Before we download the records, we need to make sure that the records count to download does not exceed 20,000 records. We can call the count
method of web service API to get the total number of records. We will be checking the records count every time we download a file for each month. Below function will first validate the startDate
and endDate
arguments by calling ValidateDates()
function. Then, the API URL of count
method is concatenated and called using the given arguments. From the response, we get the number of records by using content()
function. Since the response returned is in character
data type, as.integer()
function is used to change it to integer
data type and return the value.
CheckRecordsCount <- function(startDate, endDate) {
# Queries the record count to be downloaded for the given date arguments.
# Args:
# startDate (Date): Start Date parameter of the query.
# endDate (Date): End Date parameter of the query.
# Returns:
# The total number of records. Integer data type.
# Validate date arguments.
ValidateDates(startDate, endDate)
records_num_url <-
total_records <- as.integer(content(records_num_url))
For the files to be downloaded, the file names should be in a format that is easy to keep track of. We will be using the file name format as text_yyyy_mmm.extension
, “earthquake_data_2013_Jan.csv”. So, following function gets the fileDate
and fileExtension
arguments and concatenate them together with file_path
variable to get a file name. The file name is returned as a character value.
SetFileName <- function(fileDate, fileExtension) {
# Sets a file name to be saved as for the file to download.
# Args:
# fileDate (Date): File Date to get month and year.
# fileExtension (character): File extension to be saved as.
# Returns:
# A file name to be saved as. character data type.
file_name <-
month(fileDate, label = TRUE),
The DownloadFile()
function gets the startDate
, endDate
, and fileName
arguments and downloads the query results. Before downloading the file, ValidateDates()
function is called to validate the given dates. Then, the API URL of query
method is concatenated using the given arguments. After concatenating the URL, we use download.file()
function to download a CSV file by passing the API URL, given file name, and download method. A CSV file will be downloaded to the destination folder.
DownloadFile <- function(startDate, endDate, fileName) {
# Downloads the query results as a csv file using the query URL.
# Args:
# startDate (Date): Start Date parameter of the query.
# endDate (Date): End Date parameter of the query.
# fileName (character): File name to be saved as, including path and
# extension.
# Returns:
# No return value.
# Validate date arguments.
ValidateDates(startDate, endDate)
file_url <-
download.file(file_url, destfile = fileName, method = "curl")
The DownloadFile()
function above downloads a file, usually for a particular month, while the DownloadAll()
function below prepares and processes the download of all files for all the months between the given startDate
and endDate
arguments. The startDate
and the endDate
arguments set the date range that needs to be downloaded. First, ValidateDates()
function is called to validate the given date arguments. To download for all the months between the given startDate
and endDate
, the while()
loop is used together with a stop flag variable to iterate for the file download of each month, until the endDate
is reached.
For the file download, the result records limit is 20,000 per download. So, for easier tracking, the file is downloaded per month using iteration. If per month still exceeds 20,000 records, the records for that month are separated into three files. 10 days each for the first two files and the remaining days in the last file. Separating the data into three files helps us ensure that the result limit will not be exceeded. So, to download the files for each month, we need to use a date range for that particular month. We cannot use startDate
and endDate
arguments. The curr_start_date
and the curr_end_date
variables are used to set the start date and the end date of the current month to download. For the first download, curr_start_date
is set with the value of startDate
argument, and the curr_end_date
is set by using the ceiling_date()
function of lubridate
package to get the last day of the month. The curr_end_date
variable is then validated against endDate
to ensure that it is not later than the endDate
. If it is, the curr_end_date
variable is set with the value of endDate
, and the last_dl
flag is set as TRUE
. By reaching the endDate
, the download is done, and the next iteration will be stopped. If the endDate
is not reached yet, the iteration will continue, and in the next iteration, a day is added to the curr_end_date
variable and set it as the value of the curr_start_date
variable. That way, we will download the file for the next month and the iteration will continue until the endDate
is reached.
After the values of the curr_start_date
and the curr_end_date
are defined, we call the CheckRecordsCount()
function with the curr_start_date
and the curr_end_date
as arguments. Then, we validate if the records_to_dl
value is more than 20,000 records. If it is more than the limit, we separate the date range into 10 days each in the first two files and the remaining days in the last file. The file_ext
variable is used to concatenate “-1”, “-2”, or “-3” before the given fileExtension
value. The SetFileName()
function is called with the arguments curr_start_date
and file_ext
, then, set the returned file name value to the file_name
variable. After setting the file name, we call DownloadFile()
function. The arguments given to the function varied for each file.
- For the first file, to download the first 10 days, we start the date range from the
and add 9 days to get the end date. So, the arguments given are:curr_start_date
,curr_start_date + days(9)
, andfile_name
. - For the second file, to download the next 10 days, we start the date range from the day 11 to the day 20. So, the arguments given are:
curr_start_date + days(10)
,curr_start_date + days(19)
, andfile_name
. - For the last file, to download the last remaining days, we start the date range from the day 21 to the last day of the month. So, the arguments given are:
curr_start_date + days(20)
, andfile_name
. For the months with less than 20,000 results, we callDownloadFile()
function with the argumentscurr_start_date
. Then, we add the number of records downloaded to thedownloaded_records
variable, to keep track of the total downloaded records. The iteration countitr_count
variable is also incremented to record the total number of iterations.
Lastly, we return the download successful message, including the total number of downloaded records and the number of iterations.
DownloadAll <- function(startDate, endDate, fileExtension) {
# Prepares to download csv files per month using the given date arguments.
# Args:
# startDate (Date): Start Date parameter of the query.
# endDate (Date): End Date parameter of the query.
# fileExtension (character): File extension to be saved as.
# Returns:
# A success message. character data type.
# Validate date parameters.
ValidateDates(startDate, endDate)
# define count of records to download for each iteration
records_to_dl <- 0
# define count of all downloaded records
downloaded_records <- 0
# define iteration count
itr_count <- 0
# define iteration stop flag
last_dl <- FALSE
# For the file download, the result records limit is 20,000 per download.
# So, for easier tracking, the file is downloaded per month using iteration.
# If per month still exceeds 20,000 records, the records for that month are
# separated into three files download. 10 days each for the first two files and the
# remaining days in the last file.
while (last_dl == FALSE) { # iterate until the flag is set as TRUE.
# The logic for setting curr_start_date is to check the iteration count.
# If it's the 1st iteration, the given startDate argument is used.
# If it's not the 1st iteration, the value is set by adding one day to the
# previous iteration's End Date, curr_end_date.
if (itr_count < 1) {
curr_start_date <- startDate
} else {
curr_start_date <- curr_end_date + days(1)
# curr_end_date is set as the last day of the month from curr_start_date
# and validate against the given endDate argument to check if it's later
# than the endDate. If it is, the curr_end_date is set with the value of
# endDate argument.
curr_end_date <- ceiling_date(curr_start_date, "month") %m-% days(1)
if (curr_end_date >= endDate) {
curr_end_date <- endDate # Set as the given argument.
last_dl <- TRUE # Set the flag as TRUE to end the iteration.
# Check the current record counts to be downloaded.
records_to_dl <- CheckRecordsCount(curr_start_date, curr_end_date)
# Check if the record limit is exceeded, if true, separate as three files.
# If not, download the records.
if (records_to_dl > 20000) {
# Set file name of the 1st file to be saved as.
file_ext <- paste0("-1", fileExtension)
file_name <- SetFileName(curr_start_date, file_ext)
# Download the first 10 days.
DownloadFile(curr_start_date, curr_start_date + days(9), file_name)
# Set file name of the 2nd file to be saved as.
file_ext <- paste0("-2", fileExtension)
file_name <- SetFileName(curr_start_date, file_ext)
# Download another 10 days.
DownloadFile(curr_start_date + days(10), curr_start_date + days(19), file_name)
# Set file name of the last file to be saved as.
file_ext <- paste0("-3", fileExtension)
file_name <- SetFileName(curr_start_date, file_ext)
# Download the remaining days.
DownloadFile(curr_start_date + days(20), curr_end_date, file_name)
} else {
# Set file name of the last file to be saved as.
file_name <- SetFileName(curr_start_date, fileExtension)
# Download the file for the month.
DownloadFile(curr_start_date, curr_end_date, file_name)
# Increment the downloaded records.
downloaded_records <- downloaded_records + records_to_dl
# Increment the iteration count.
itr_count <- itr_count + 1
# Return the success message.
"Successfully downloaded ",
" records in ",
" files."
After all the files are downloaded, we can start with the file merge. The MergeFiles()
function uses the pipe function %>%
from dplyr
package to chain a few functions in a series. First, the list.files()
function is used to list all the files in the given directory, which is the value of global variable file_path
. Then, the lapply()
function is used to apply read_csv()
function to all the files. The bind_rows()
function is applied last to bind the records of the all the files read. The merged data frame is returned.
MergeFiles <- function() {
# Reads all the files in the given directory and bind them by rows.
# Args:
# None.
# Returns:
# A data frame of merged rows.
eqk_data <- list.files(path = file_path, full.names = TRUE) %>%
lapply(read_csv) %>%
We now have a merged data frame with all the records. Referring to the sample data we explored in section 1.3 Explore sample data, we can now start cleaning the data. The RemoveDuplicates()
function removes all the duplicated rows if exist. Most functions used here are from the dplyr
package. The pipe function %>%
is used to apply the group_by_all()
function to group the records. Then, the filter()
function used to filter the groups with more than 1 records (i.e. duplicated rows). The ungroup()
function is applied last to ungroup the data. So, we get duplicated rows in a data frame. The nrow()
function is used to check if there is any record. If there is, the distinct()
function is used to filter only the unique records. The unique data frame is then returned. The advantage of checking the duplicated records this way is that we have the data frame of duplicated records if we want to view the data. Otherwise, we can skip everything and just use the line df <- distinct(df)
to get the unique records.
RemoveDuplicates <- function(df) {
# Removes all the duplicated rows.
# Args:
# df (data frame): A data frame to remove duplicates.
# Returns:
# A data frame of unique rows.
# Check if duplicated rows exists
duplicate_rows <- df %>%
group_by_all() %>%
filter(n() > 1) %>%
# Remove duplicates if there is any
if (nrow(duplicate_rows) > 0) {
df <- distinct(df)
The CheckMissingDates()
function checks and returns all the missing dates from the data frame, within the range of given date arguments. First, we convert the time
column as date data type using as.Date()
function. Then, we generate a list of all dates between the given startDate
and endDate
arguments using seq()
function. After that, we filter the dates from the all_dates
which are not in the given data frame argument. They are the missing dates in the given data frame and the result is returned.
CheckMissingDates <- function(df, startDate, endDate) {
# Returns all the missing dates from the data frame between the start date and
# the end date. If there is a missing date, it is most likely that the
# downloaded files were incomplete.
# Args:
# df (data frame): A data frame to check the missing dates.
# startDate (Date): Start Date parameter to check the missing dates.
# endDate (Date): End Date parameter to check the missing dates.
# Returns:
# A list of missing dates.
# Convert time column as Date data type.
df$time <- as.Date(df$time)
# Get a list of all dates within the given start and end dates in sequence.
all_dates <- seq(startDate, endDate, by = 1)
# Check if there is any date from all_dates that are not in df.
missing_dates <- all_dates[!all_dates %in% df$time]
The SeparateLocationColumn()
function separates place
column into two columns, Location Detail
and Location
. When exploring the sample data, we saw that the place
column contains the approximate location and the country name separated by commas. We only need the country name information. The country name is after the last comma. So, we need to make sure that we use the last comma as a separator to get the country names only. We use separate()
function from tidyr
package to separate the column. A regular expression- ,(?=[^,]*$)
is used to match the last comma as a separator. To understand the regular expression, test it out at RegExr website. The data frame with separated columns is returned.
SeparateLocationColumn <- function(df) {
# Separates 'place' column into two columns: 'Location Detail' and 'Location'.
# The last comma is used as a separator.
# Args:
# df (data frame): A data frame to check the missing dates.
# Returns:
# A data frame with separated columns.
df_separated <-
data = df,
col = "place",
into = c("Location Detail", "Location"),
sep = ",(?=[^,]*$)"
The CleanData()
function cleans the Location
column by trimming extra spaces and setting title case. It also drops the records with NA in location, latitude, longitude columns, and replaces the US States abbreviations with names. The functions from tidyr
, stringr
, and dplyr
packages are used. The cleaned data frame is returned.
CleanData <- function(df) {
# Cleans the Location column by trimming extra spaces and setting title case.
# Drops the records with NA in location, latitude, longitude columns.
# Replaces the abbreviations.
# Args:
# df (data frame): A data frame to clean the data.
# Returns:
# A data frame with a cleaned data.
df_cleaned <- df %>%
Location = case_when( ~ `Location Detail`,
TRUE ~ Location) %>%
str_trim(.) %>%
str_to_title(.) %>%
# A named vector is used to match multiple patterns.
str_replace_all(., c("\\bAk\\b" = "Alaska",
"\\bAr\\b" = "Arkansas",
"\\bAz\\b" = "Arizona",
"\\bCa\\b" = "California",
"\\bCo\\b" = "Colorado",
"\\bHi\\b" = "Hawaii",
"\\bId\\b" = "Idaho",
"\\bKs\\b" = "Kansas",
"\\bKy\\b" = "Kentucky",
"\\bMn\\b" = "Minnesota",
"\\bMo\\b" = "Missouri",
"\\bMt\\b" = "Montana",
"\\bMx\\b" = "Mexico",
"\\bNc\\b" = "North Carolina",
"\\bNj\\b" = "New Jersey",
"\\bNm\\b" = "New Mexico",
"\\bNy\\b" = "New York",
"\\bNv\\b" = "Nevada",
"\\bOk\\b" = "Oklahoma",
"\\bOr\\b" = "Oregon",
"\\bTn\\b" = "Tennessee",
"\\bTx\\b" = "Texas",
"\\bUsa\\b" = "USA",
"\\bUt\\b" = "Utah",
"\\bWa\\b" = "Washington",
"\\bWy\\b" = "Wyoming"))
) %>%
drop_na(latitude) %>% # Drop records with latitude as NA
drop_na(longitude) %>% # Drop records with longitude as NA
drop_na(Location) # Drop records with Location as NA
# Drop unnecessary columns
df_cleaned <- select(df_cleaned, -c(nst, gap, dmin, rms, net, updated, horizontalError, depthError, magError, magNst, status, locationSource, magSource, 'Location Detail'))
# Get all locations with abbreviations.
# df_abbr <- df_cleaned$Location[nchar(as.character(df_cleaned$Location)) < 4]
# Check the unique abbreviations.
# sort(unique(df_abbr))
Now that we have a cleaned tidy data, we can create a CSV file. The CreateCSV()
function creates a CSV file using the write.csv()
function. The file created message is returned.
CreateCSV <- function(df) {
# Creates a csv file with the merged and cleaned data.
# Args:
# df (data frame): A data frame of cleaned data.
# Returns:
# A file created message.
write.csv(df, file = "./earthquakes-data.csv", row.names=FALSE)
return(paste0("File created with name earthquakes-data.csv and contains ",
nrow(df), " rows and ", ncol(df), " columns."))
We have finished writing the functions and we can start calling them with the appropriate arguments. First, start_date
, end_date
, and file_extension
variables are defined. The end_date
variable is set as today date using Sys.Date()
function. After setting the variables, we call the functions one by one and pass appropriate arguments. Then, we print the file download message, the file create message, and the missing dates message, so that we can see them in the console.
# Set start date and end date of the search query. Use yyyy-mm-dd date format.
start_date <- as_date("2013-01-01")
end_date <- Sys.Date()
file_extension <- ".csv"
# Run the functions without recording time for each one.
total_record <- CheckRecordsCount(start_date, end_date)
download_message <- DownloadFiles(start_date, end_date, file_extension)
df_merged <- MergeFiles()
df_unique <- RemoveDuplicates(df_merged)
missing_dates <- CheckMissingDates(df_merged, start_date, end_date)
df_separated <- SeparateLocationColumn(df_unique)
df_cleaned <- CleanData(df_separated)
create_message <- CreateCSV(df_cleaned)
# Print results to console.
if (length(missing_dates) > 0) {
print("Following are the missing dates: ")
} else {
print("There is no missing date.")
Before we run the script, we can add timer to record the time it takes to run the script, including the file downloads. We just need to add the line start_time <- proc.time()
at the start of the script and the line print(proc.time() - start_time)
at the end of the script.
# Set start time to time the running of the whole script. proc_time data type.
start_time <- proc.time()
# Script Here
# Time the running of the whole script. End time.
print(proc.time() - start_time)
Now, we can run the script. After the script is executed completely, we will see the printed messages in the console as follows. The downloaded data is 1,059,267 records in 124 files. After transformation the data, the tidy data contains 1,056,144 records and 9 columns. The user CPU time, which is charged for the execution of user instructions of the calling process, took 137.53 seconds (2.3 mins). The system CPU time, which is charged for execution by the system on behalf of the calling process, took 22.37 seconds (0.4 mins). The elapsed time, which is the actual elapsed time since the process was started, took 797.80 seconds (13.3 mins).
[1] "Successfully downloaded 1059267 records in 124 files."
[1] "File created with name earthquakes-data.csv and contains 1056144 rows and 9 columns."
[1] "There is no missing date."
user system elapsed
137.53 22.37 797.80
3. Data Exploration
Now that we have a tidy data, we can create a few plots such as boxplot, scatterplot and interactive map to understand the data better.
main = "Boxplot of Earthquake Magnitudes",
xlab = "Magnitude",
ylab = "Earthquake",
col = "orange",
border = "brown",
horizontal = TRUE
main="Different Boxplots of Each Year",
main="Earthquake Magnitude Against Depth",
# For efficiency, subset only the records of year 2022
df <- df_cleaned[(df_cleaned$time >= "2022-01-01" & df_cleaned$time <= "2022-12-31"),]
leaflet(df) %>%
addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldStreetMap") %>%
lng = ~longitude,
lat = ~latitude,
popup = paste0(df$Location, "<br>", df$mag),
radius = sqrt(10^df$mag) * 10,
color = "red",
fillColor = "red",
fillOpacity = 0.25
4. Create Reporting Dashboards using Tableau
The following Reporting Dashboards are created in Tableau Public. I created the dashboards with fixed width option, so you will need to scroll them horizontally to view everything if you are using a small screen devices such as a laptop. I will create another post on the detailed steps taken to develop these dashboards.