Project Purpose
The purpose of this project is to create a function in Python that can quickly find all the prime numbers below a given value.
Git Hub Repository Link.
The source code for this project can be found at my GitHub Repository
In this function, set
data type is used to store a collection of data, and to search prime numbers within 2 and the given argument num
# Create a function with an argument to get number of upper bound.
def primes_finder(num = 10):
Finds and returns all prime numbers within 2 and the given num args.
If no argument is given, 10 is used as a default number.
num (int): Upper bound number value. Default is 10.
A list of all prime numbers within 2 and the given argument.
# Set the number range to be checked. 2 is set as a start number as it is
# the smallest true Prime number. num+1 is set as a stop number as to
# include the given num in the range.
number_range = set(range(2, num + 1))
# Define empty list to append discovered primes to.
primes_list = []
# Loop while there is an element in number_range.
while number_range:
# pop method is used to remove and get the first element of the set.
prime = number_range.pop()
# The returned element is appended to the list of primes numbers.
# Assign all the numbers until num+1 that are the multiples of the
# current prime element to a set. They are non-prime numbers.
multiples = set(range(prime * 2, num + 1, prime))
# Use difference_update method to remove all non-primes from the
# number_range set.
# Set number of primes that were found.
prime_count = len(primes_list)
# Set largest prime.
largest_prime = max(primes_list)
# Print summary message.
print(f"There are {prime_count} prime numbers between 2 and {num}, the largest of which is {largest_prime}")
# Return the list of prime numbers found.
return primes_list
Above function can be tested by calling the function with or without the argument num
>>> There are 4 prime numbers between 2 and 10, the largest of which is 7
>>> There are 25 prime numbers between 2 and 100, the largest of which is 97
>>> There are 78498 prime numbers between 1 and 1000000, the largest of which is 999983